Wisdom, Faith, Love, Hope
Everything started when Andreas and Sophia decided to get married on the name day of the bride,
on the 17 th September (the day when Sophia/Wisdom, Pisti/Faith, Agape/Loveand Elpida/Hope are celebrated).
The concept of the wedding in question derives from the particularity of the celebrated day – the fournames celebrated on this day could very well be wishes for the couple, for ahappy marriage. It has to be noted that in Greece name days are of great importance, similar to birthdays! Thus, a rectangular invitation was created in four versions. On the one side (the common one) there is the text with the necessaryinstructions for the ceremony, while on the back side 4 different illustrationswere created, dedicated to each of the ‘wishes’ with accompanying texts thatexplain the meaning of each one of them.
Wisdom= the power to make the right choices
Faith= the power to always move forward with courage
Love = the power that keeps us together at any given moment
Hope = the power tolook at the future full of smiles
As a result, each of the guests would receive a different invitation. The style and the hand-madeillustrations of the invitation are based on well-known symbolism (e.g. Wisdomas a main symbol has the eye, Faith the star, Love the heart and Hope a flying bird). For the guests giveaway packages, paper small boxes were created (with the same illustrationthemes) tied with white satin ribbons and containing wedding sugared almonds (traditionalGreek sweets, given at weddings). These were dispensed at the end of the ceremony. The particularly inspiring illustrations were hand-drawn and, following that, were processed electronically. The typeface that was chosen for all texts is “GFS GAZISREGULAR», that is designed in such a way so to evoke the old practice of carving Greek letters, in the logic of byzantine cursive script.
wedding invitation design, illustration, print
Concept, Design & Illustration: Sophia Georgopoulou
Copy: Konstantinos Kontinos