So fresh & so clean!

Brand Name
The name Freskin combines two key elements: “Fresh” and “Skin,” immediately positioning the brand as focused on skincare that is rejuvenating, clean, and invigorating. The word “Freskin” evokes a sense of purity and vitality, suggesting that the products are designed to maintain or restore healthy, radiant skin. The simplicity and clarity of the name align with the premium, clinical nature of the brand, implying trust, professionalism, and effectiveness.

Logo & Key Visual
The logo’s defining feature is a “friendly cross,” symbolizing health, care, and medical-grade quality, which resonates well with the clinical positioning of the brand. The cross is universally recognized in health and wellness contexts, and its use for Freskin immediately communicates reliability and expertise. The wave integrated into the top-right of the cross, forming an “F,” adds a layer of friendliness and approachability to the brand. The wave can symbolize freshness and the fluid, natural care associated with Freskin’s product line. It introduces a subtle dynamic element, implying movement, renewal, and the smoothness of healthy skin. This design speaks to the brand’s balance between clinical precision and gentle, nourishing care.

Packaging Design
All-white packaging underscores the clinical and premium nature of Freskin. White is universally associated with cleanliness, purity, and simplicity, qualities that customers seek in high-end skincare. The minimalist design communicates sophistication while letting the subtle branding details stand out.

The cross, which changes color based on the product variant, introduces an intuitive visual system for customers to easily identify different product lines. This color-coded approach makes the packaging both functional and aesthetically appealing while maintaining the sleek, clinical look.

Despite the clinical edge, the brand is friendly and accessible, ensuring customers feel cared for and comfortable.

Brand name, Logo & Packaging system identity a premium skincare line.
Sophia Georgopoulou  Design – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED