The art of enjoying home
Ecocasa is a company created by people with a very extensive exerience in the field of home equipment. Motivated by vision, creativity and love for industrial design, the team of people behind the company wished to create their own brand of affordable yet qualitative, functional and visually attractive home equipment items. These products are commecially available under the “Estia” brand. The brand started its commercial adventures with a predictable identity but it was fairly clear from early on that something more was needed.  And this is its story.
Relatively younger homemakers with an eye for design and an emphasis on practicality and great value.
The name in its own right is rich in meanings and mental images. Estiain Greek means hearth. This, for millenia has been the spot where fire was constantly burning and food was prepared – but also the center of activity in the house, to the extent that the meanings of estia and home ended up being fused.  There was thus inpiration to be drawn from the concepts of togetherness and gathering in a familiar and welcoming setting. And all this had also to take into account the tagline of Home Artthat defined the brand.
The main design element is a greek e standing for the initial of the world “estia”. For starters, this is the way the desired Greek connection is established. On the top of that, the curvaceouss and minimal design of the letter also suggests something hand-made and small scale, but also artistic in nature – to tie-up with the tagline. Repeated four times around a cicle, the letter ecreates the shape of a friendly flower but also something reminiscent of the eye of a typical conduction cooker – the modern equivalent of a hearth. 
Brand logo redesign & tagline

Brand Tagline: Chris Baskakis
Text Editor: Konstantinos Kontinos